"This engaging debut P.I. series introduces the enigmatic C.J. Cavanaugh, a former DEA operative who uses his sleuthing talents and professional contacts to the open a private investigator practice. When C.J. is hired to investigate the murder/robbery of Clinton Windell, a wealthy gem dealer, all signs point to his business partners, all of whom have something to gain from his death. C.J. is assisted by his junior partner, Renita, whose unrequited romantic interest in C.J. makes for lots of hilarious banter, especially since C.J. is devoted to his longtime love, Portland Homicide Detective, Destini Pendleton. Lane is a master of characterization, and The Gem Connection is another showcase for the fascinating characters created by this talented author. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series. Highly recommended. I purchased this book directly from the publisher." — Leigh Goodison, Author of Limboland
“C. J. Cavanaugh is a well-known private investigator. C. J. and his partner Renita Harris are hired by a mystery client to solve the murder of Clinton Windell, but they are not allowed to tell anyone about the case. Instead, they assume a false identity, a false job so to speak, to uncover the facts. Windell has not only been brutally murdered in his home, but also was robbed of his uncut gems worth twenty million dollars. Trying to remain anonymous, C. J. and Renita must become creative and think outside the box in order to solve the case. Michael Lane's story takes readers on a thrilling ride filled with excitement, mystery, and suspense. Mystery fans haven't read a story quite like this one. Michael Lane’s story takes readers on a thrilling ride filled with excitement, mystery, and suspense. Mystery fans haven't read a story quite like this one.” -- The US Review of Books
“I don't normally go for Private Investigator stories, but I picked this book up 'to have a look' and the characters had me by the end of the first chapter. I read it over a couple of days and when I finished, I knew that I'd be delighted to meet C. J. and Renita again.” -- The Bookbag